Well Formed Outcomes –

NLP Based Goal Setting

Establishing goals is more than just thinking about what you might like in the future, it’s writing it out, thinking it through, creating the steps and actions?

Think of a specific goal you have – something you want to do, be , have etc….

And here’s the plan to make that happen:

Set Yourself Up For Success.

  1. State Your Goal in a Positive Frame

Meaning it’s something you want to move towards — I want to be a size 4, and have  energy every day to do the things in life I love.

Not a negative – I want to stop over eating and being so lazy.

Reason for the linguistic change, is the unconscious mind only here’s the key words (or everything as a positive) for example – in the first goal the unconscious mind hears:  size 4, energy, love, life – and moves towards it.

In the second statement, the unconscious mind hears: over eating and being lazy …and so it thinks you want that and moves you in that direction unconsciously.   So wording is key —  I’ll help if you have questions or confusion (call or email me).

Also a  positive outcome is motivating because the focus is on what you want, so, you won’t be tempted by thinking about the things you don’t want.   A positive outcome has aim, where a negative outcome has avoidance, but not direction.

Okay, ask yourself the following questions;

What do I want?

What will that do for me when I have it/am it?

Am I moving towards something?

Or away from something?

  1. Create a Sensory Experience

Visualizing the results in your mind will help make your goals clear.  Picture yourself in your own shoes once you have attained the goal.    Your going to FEEL success, taste it, smell it, see it hear it… and this will build your own internal motivation, to keep you moving towards your goals even when times feel tough…..  So,  Seriously, close your eyes, and actually do it (how badly do you want this).

From this point of view ask;

How do I know I’ve got it?

What do I see?

What do I hear?

What do I feel now that I’ve achieved it?

What do I think now that I’ve achieved it?

What do others see me doing, now that I have achieved my goal?

What do others hear me saying?

What will I be saying to Alyssa?

  1. Begin and Maintain

Can I initiate and maintain what is needed for this goal?

Now take some time and think this over, don’t just off the cuff say “of course”.    If it takes 4 days a week of outdoor fitness and a yoga, and challenges your eating habits, what if it requires educating yourself further in health and fitness,  and calls for a life style change – Are you truly ready?  Look at your goal, and what it encompasses overall – are you ready to take on the challenge and succeed — TRULY succeed!  ??

If not, where do I have control and where does influence rest with others?

Who’s help, expertise and support can I enlist?

  1. Appropriate Context

With whom, when and where do I want this outcome?

Equally important, with whom, where and when do I not want this outcome?

Seems an odd question, but is very valid – are there negative people in your life, who may try to bring you down, are there certain ways of getting fit you know you don’t want — maybe you hate swimming, or biking…  so they would be ways you don’t want to go.  Take a little time with each question…don’t just wiz through — this is your life.

How long do I want this for?

Am I truly ready?

  1. Keeping Hold of the Present Benefits

What do I get out of my current (not so helpful behaviors) behaviors, that I want to keep?

Example: while staying in in the evening rather than coming out to 11:11 fitness, and making excuses is a not a beneficial behavior; it’s positive intentions could be, to relax after a hectic day at work, to have time with your family, or zone out. …  How would the person who wishes to be healthier keep the positive intent while eliminating the not-so-beneficial behavior of excuse making and not reaching for their true goals?

A good option may be, to find new ways of relaxing – perhaps yoga is just the ticket you need.

Or would getting in your exercise at outdoor fitness make you mare available afterwords to truly be present (and less stressed) with your kids (hey if mom’s happy – the whole family is happy).

Or could socialization and a great group of friends help to brighten up your whole outlook on life – making all of life’s stresses more tolerable, and you loose the need to zone out – because you’re having so much damn fun and living life to the fullest!

When the positive aspects are still being met, and in a healthier way, it’s easier to make the changes you want. The good aspects are kept, not eliminated, so your needs are being met, while you’re changing the behavior.  WIN WIN WIN!!

When people over look this step (and almost all other goal setting programs do… it creates a big internal war and wavering on making a decision and really sticking to it….. this is the step to perseverance) .

How can I hold onto the positive aspects, while moving towards my new goal?

  1. Ecology Check

Test your outcome against your values. When you ignore certain values, you set yourself up for self sabotage and inner conflict. Listen to your intuition as you create your goals, and choose carefully. If something doesn’t feel quite right, it’s worth the time to change it, so it will fit perfectly into your life. Important questions to ask are;

Is it worth it?

Is it worth the time?

Is it worth the energy?

Will anything be lost as a result?

How do I establish a win-win situation?

How does this goal support my values and major beliefs?

How does this goal relate to who I am?

Is this the right answer or solution for me?

Is this outcome good for me?

  1. Action

 Yes Yes, – Let’s do it – putting it all into action.

What is my next step?

When will I take it?

What step will follow?

When will I make the action?

What is the big picture plan?

Where is half way between now and completion?

  1. Confidence

What is my current level of confidence in my ability to succeed?

Can I do it?

Do I believe in myself?

How do I build up my self confidence (if need be)?

  1. Review

Plan a date to review where you are on the road to achieving your outcome (this can be don e in a coaching session with me or by yourself).   Set up a way to check-up on your self and your success.

How often do I want to review my progress?

How will I remember to review my progress?

Well Formed Outcomes are one of the main cornerstones of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).   It is not clear who originated the the specific idea.  I would like to credit NLP’s founders’ John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Judith DeLozier, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Robert Dilts and David Gordon.

Alyssa Huntley

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Certified (INLPTA) and Life Coach Level 1 &2 Certified (Fitness Unlimited)

FIS Fitness, NWS nutrition, PTS personal trainer all certified Can Fit Pro



(one on one telephone coaching available)

(NLP on a face to face basis)